Garlic Ranch Tagliatelle

Garlic Ranch Tagliatelle

Exotic ingredients brought together to add intense flavors in a familiar application. Featuring Custom Culinary® Master’s Touch Garlic Ranch Sauce this pasta dish combines a buttery garlic ranch sauce, Tagliatelli topped with parmesan cheese and parsley.

What You'll Need

* Yield = 4 Portions
Quantity Ingredients
.2 gms Cremini Mushrooms, Sliced  
.2 gms
Morel Mushrooms, Whole
.2 gms Portobello Mushrooms, Sliced
.2 gms Trumpet Mushrooms, Whole
.5 gms Champignon Mushrooms, Sliced
50 gms Garlic, chopped
12 gms Shallots, Chopped
.1 gms Butter, Lightly Salted
250 gms Master’s Touch® Garlic Ranch
420 gms Tagliatelle Pasta, Cooked
25 gms Parmesan Cheese, Fresh, Grated
15 gms Parsley, Fresh, Chopped


  1. In a large braising pan or tilt skillet, melt butter over medium high heat. Add garlic and shallots. Sauté 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently. 
  2. Combine Master’s Touch Garlic Ranch Sauce and Tagliatelle pasta, mixing well.
  3. Portion pasta into bowls. Top with parmesan cheese and parsley.