Cheesecake with Spiced - Lemon Berry Compote

Cheesecake with Spiced - Lemon Berry Compote

No-Bake Cheesecake with lemon-flavoured compote featuring Custom Culinary® Cheese Sauce and Custom Culinary® Citrus Chilli Seasoning.

What You'll Need

* Portions: 8
* Preparation Time: 6 Hours
  For Crust:
200 gm Good Day Biscuits  
50 gm Melted Butter
  For Cheesecake:
300 gm Whipped Cream (stiff peak)
680 gm Cream Cheese
40 gm Custom Culinary® Cheese Sauce
120 gm Powdered Sugar
  For Compote:
200 gm Blueberry Cake Topping
10 gm Custom Culinary® Citrus Chilli Seasoning


  1. Crush the biscuits in a food processor and add mix in melted butter. Layer on the bottom of the cake pan and set in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  2. Transfer the Cream Cheese and Sugar in a bowl and with the help of a whisk or hand mixer, blend well till the mixture is Creamy.
  3. Fold in the whipped Cream and season with Custom Culinary® Cheese Sauce. Mix well.
  4. Layer the prepared mixture in the cake pan set with the cracker crust. Make sure that the layer is even.
  5. Mix the Blueberry Cake Topping and Custom Culinary® Citrus Chilli Seasoning and top it up on the prepared Cake Base.
  6. Refrigerate till completely set.

Chef Tips

Change the fruit compote to have multiple variants of Cheesecakes.